which tildes do you hang on?
which tildes do you hang on?
i know we're mostly townies but it's a big tildeverse out there
what a hoot :V
Re: which tildes do you hang on?
i have not really explored very many of them. i have an account on tilde.team but when i was giving that a shot, i found tilde.town to be far more active as a community and didnt really stick around. tilde.team does have a different approach to the whole shebang than tilde.town does, one being that tilde.team encourages public participation and leans more in the direction of service hosting.
cosmic.voyage intrigues me but i never felt like i quite had the creative powers to utilize the idea very well
cosmic.voyage intrigues me but i never felt like i quite had the creative powers to utilize the idea very well
Re: which tildes do you hang on?
I am a member of:
- tilde.town
- tilde.team
- envs.net
- vern.cc
- skylab.org
Re: which tildes do you hang on?
I feel kinda similar, it's such a cool idea and I think I'd love to participate but I'm nervous about not contributing well. :V
what a hoot :V
Re: which tildes do you hang on?
Hallo , I have my own project freeshell from Estonia https://fromhell.ee you can try it